Our sauna bars can be heated in 3 ways:
Woodburning stove NARVI NC16: Finnish and the most environmentally friendly wood-fired sauna heater on the market.
** Wood stove from the Finnish NARVI brand
** Carbon monoxide emissions of 0,07% (this is 10 times lower than with other brands)
** The stove has wooden handles that do not heat up.
** Enamel ashtray
** Thickness steel burning chamber: 10 mm
** Our wood-burning stoves are fitted with a granite plate at the bottom and rear that serves as a heat shield.
** Stove with 50kg stones.
Harvia CHICKEN electric heater
** Electrically fired Harvia heater with a capacity of 8 kW (can be connected single-phase or 3-phase).
** With integrated controls.
** Hanging model.
** Stove with 20kg stones.
NEW: heating with wood pellets
A MODIS sauna barrel can also be heated with wood pellets using a custom module for the wood-fired stove.
** Advantage of heating with wood pellets? No smoke development.
** Disadvantage of heating with wood pellets? Longer heating time and lower temperatures (+/- 70°C)